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Wyoming Hunter Cited After Bringing Live, Wounded Wolf To Bar With Mouth Taped Shut



A hunter in Wyoming was given a misdemeanor citation after wounding a wolf and parading it around a bar with its mouth taped shut, sparking outrage.
The Wyoming Game and Fish Department last week announced an individual was cited for illegally possessing a live wolf, which comes with a $250 fine. Despite public outrage, the agency noted that animal cruelty charges are not applicable to predatory animals in the state, and the possession citation was the only enforceable offense.
The hunter, identified by the Cowboy State Daily as 42-year-old Cody Roberts, captured the wolf on Feb. 29 after allegedly wounding it with his snowmobile in Sublette County.
Photos obtained by the outlet show Roberts posing with the wolf, which has red tape around its muzzle. Roberts allegedly brought the wolf home then took it out to a bar to show it off. He then allegedly took the wolf behind the bar and killed it.
Wyoming Game and Fish spokeswoman ​Breanna Ball told the outlet that the agency received an anonymous tip about the incident on March 1.
“The individual was hunting when he came across the wolf in the predator zone and intended to harvest it. However, the wolf was transported alive back to his residence and later to a business in Daniel,” Ball said.
Wyoming Fish and Game also noted that any information regarding wolves taken in Wyoming is not a public record.
TMX contributed to this article.