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Video of Helicopter Over Water at Rockaway Beach after Shark Sighting (no shark in video), Shark sighting at Rockaway Beach NY. (Yes, an actual shark) Everyone out of the water. #..Jaws



New York City park officials closed several sections of Rockaway Beach in Queens Tuesday due to shark sightings. A video shared by Twitter user @CoachMissmer shows what appears to be an New York City Police Department Aviation Unit helicopter flying just offshore Tuesday. The New York City Parks Department prohibited wading and swimming in at least four stretches of the beach. Shark sightings and attacks have been increasing in the region, with several people bitten in recent weeks. New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on Monday ordered shark patrols and increased lifeguard staffing on Long Island State Park Beaches due to a slew of recent shark encounters. Under state park shark safety guidelines, swimming is suspended for at least an hour after a shark sighting, and the shoreline will be inspected by drone.