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Leicester Middle Schooler Saves Her Twin Brother From Choking In School Cafeteria By Using Heimlich Maneuver



A 12-year-old girl in Massachusetts sprang into action when she saw her twin brother choking in the school cafeteria on May 12.
Surveillance video shared by Leicester Public Schools shows 12-year-old Charlie Loverme choking on a piece of mozzarella cheese in the cafeteria at Leicester Middle School. He begins pacing as he unsuccessfully tries to cough, and some other kids move away.
As he walks toward a table where his sister Amelia is seated, she realizes whats happening and jumps up. She wraps her arms around her brother and executes abdominal thrusts known as the Heimlich maneuver, saving him.
The latest recommendations from the Red Cross say that if a conscious person is choking and cannot cough, speak or breathe, begin by administering five blows to the back, then give five abdominal thrusts. Repeat the steps until the obstruction is expelled. If the coking person becomes unconscious, the agency advises performing CPR instead.